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Apec® PC德国拜耳总代理商
发布时间:2023-10-22        浏览次数:10        返回列表
Apec® PC德国拜耳总代理商

产品 德国拜耳 科思创(Covestro)

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1603

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1695

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1697

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1703

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1745

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1795

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1797

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1803

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1895

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳1897

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳2095

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳2097

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳DP1-9354

博琪供应Apec® PC德国拜耳FR1892

Application Scope of Bayer PC Plastic Raw Materials in Germany

Optical lighting: used for manufacturing large lampshades, protective glass, left and right eyepiece tubes for optical instruments, and can also be widely used as transparent materials on airplanes.

Electronic appliances: Polycarbonate is an excellent E (120 ℃) grade insulation material used in the manufacturing of insulation connectors, coil frames, sockets, insulation sleeves, telephone shells and parts, and battery shells for mining lamps. It can also be used to produce components with high dimensional accuracy, such as optical discs, telephones, electronic computers, video recorders, telephone switches, signal relays, and other communication e Polycarbonate thin film is also widely used as capacitors, insulated leather bags, audio tapes, color video tapes, and so on.

Mechanical e: used for manufacturing various gears, racks, worm gears, worms, bearings, cams, bolts, levers, crankshafts, ratchets, and can also be used as mechanical components such as shields, covers, and frames.

Medical e: Cups, barrels, bottles, dental instruments, drug containers, and surgical instruments that can be used for medical purposes, and even artificial organs such as kidneys and lungs.

核心提示:PC德国拜耳代理商, PC德国拜耳中国代理商, PC德国拜耳正规 代理, PC德国拜耳一级代理商, PC德国拜耳授权代理商
  • 地址:广东省东莞市樟木头镇百洞南区十三巷6号203房
  • 手机:13537064918
  • 联系人:刘亮春